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From Fragmentation to Wholeness in the Realm of Life

From Fragmentation to Wholeness in the Realm of Life





A divided life is never a healthy state of mind, and a divided society is never a place where we can live and work in peace and happiness. The Christian spiritual tradition lets life transformed from fragmentation to wholeness, and can be re-energised in the spirit, finding meaning and direction. The author of this book combines the wisdom of the Benedictine-Cistercian, Ignatian and Franciscan Spirituality, to share his vision of the world and humanity for today’s urbanites. To guide us through the different spiritual traditions, we may find our way back to wholeness from fragmentation.


  • 加插精美圖畫,進入默想境地。
  • 吸收傳統精華,聆聽內在聲音。
  • 擬訂反思問題,適合小組研讀。


關俊棠神父(Father Thomas Kwan Tsun Tong)


Fr Thomas Kwan is a member of the clergy of the Hong Kong Catholic Diocese. He has long been engaged in pastoral care for personal growth and spiritual formation through theological education, lectures, counselling, workshops, leading retreats and writing. His pastoral care covers believers and non-believers, youths, university students, couples, social workers, teachers, and organisations' management.



第1章 我們的處境:從割裂與世俗化回歸心靈的洗禮

第2章 當代的挑戰:基督徒的培育與信仰反思

第3章 圓融的生活態度

第4章 三大靈修傳統對圓融生命的啟迪

第5章 「主,我在這裏,請差遣我!」

Preface (Samson Fan)

Chapter 1  Our Situation: A Baptism of Soul from Fragmentation and Secularisation

Chapter 2  The Contemporary Challenges: Christian Formation and Reflections on Faith

Chapter 3  The Attitudes of Living in Wholeness

Chapter 4  Enlightenment in the Three Spiritual Traditions

Chapter 5  “Lord, here I am, send me!”

  • Views: 3888
  • Product Code: AA1557
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Books
    作者關俊棠神父 | Father Thomas Kwan Tsun-tong
    繪者周健筠 | Selina Chow
    譯者郭秀芳 | Cecilia Kwok
    尺寸215 x 138
    出版社Religious Education Resource Centre
    規格平裝 | 中英雙語
  • HK $98.0
  • Price in reward points: 4

Tags: 關俊棠神父 | Father Thomas Kwan Tsun-tong, 周健筠 | Selina Chow, Religious Education Resource Centre